2.1 Client Evidence Form
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2.2 Client Evidence Form for Clopyralid
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2.3 Resistance to Glysophate
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Resistance to glysophate on Annual Rye grass has been confirmed at a Vineyard in Blenheim.
The discovery was made as part of a project led by the Foundation of Arable Research(FAR) and funded by the Ministry for Primary Industries(MPI) Sustainable Farming Fund(SFF).
2.4 Property Spray Plan
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2.5 Environmental Protection Authority Functions
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To manage the functions and controls required under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO) the Environmental Protection Authority was passed by Parliament on 11 May 2011. This Act establishes a new Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) as a standalone crown agent from 1 July 2011.
2.6 Environmental Protection Authority Enforcement Lead Agency
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HSNO Enforcement Agencies. The roles and responsibilities:
Identifying a lead agency following a Hazardous Substance non-compliance or incident.
2.7 Reassessment of Endosulfan
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From 16 January 2009, it will no longer be legal to import, manufacture, or use endosulfan and formulations containing endosulfan in New Zealand.
2.8 Reassessment of Clopyralid
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The following are the details from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) regarding the reassessment of Clopyralid
2.9 Reassessment of Methylarsinic Acid (Agpro MSMA 600)
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The following are the details from EPA regarding the reassessment of Methylarsinic acid (Agpro MSMA 600)
The following details apply to Methylarsinic acid (Agpro MSMA 600).
ERMA reassessment number HRC08006.
2.10 Environmental Protection Authority Approved Agrichemicals into Water
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Summary of Approvals of Substances transferred under the Hazardous Substances (Pesticides) Transfer Notice 2004 (As Amended) as at 22nd May 2008
2.11 Reassessment of Cotnion (Azinphos-methyl)
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The following azinphos methyl based products Suspension concentrate containing 350g/litre azinphos methyl (Approval Number HSR000160); Wettable powder containing 350g/kg azinphos methyl (Approval Number HSR000161) The above formulations have been revoked and can no longer be imported, manufactured or used in New Zealand (see TechOps 2.24 for Definition of Decline vs Revoked)
However Cotnion 200 Insecticide (Approval Number HSR002486) can be used with controls (listed below) until 31 DECEMBER 2014
2.12 Agrichemicals to Be Reassessed
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2.13 Environmental Protection Authority Definition of Widespread Dispersive Manner
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Interpretation of wide dispersive use requiring an approved handler
The Approved Handler control for ecotoxic pesticides is applied where it is shown the pesticide
may pose a risk to the environment. The control is imposed where the pesticide is applied in a manner which increases the risk of harm from wide dispersive use.
2.14 With Holding Period for Bees
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Non Application periods for substances toxic to Bees
2.15 Reassessment of Terraclor 75 WP
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The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has reassessed the Agrichemical called Terraclor 75 WP (Quintozene).
From the 26th May 2011 this agrichemical approval has been revoked from import and manufacture.
2.16 Reassessment of Agrichemicals to Control Aquatic Plant Pest
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The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has approved the use of a number of specific herbicides for the control of aquatic pest plants. Herbicides containing one of the following five active ingredients can be applied, subject to controls, onto or into water:
2.18 Environmental Protection Authority Approved Taskforce for Weed Control by Ground Application
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The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has approved Taskforce herbicide for the control of Nassella Tussock, Chilean Needlegrass and Kangaroo Grass in pasture.
2.19 Hazard Classification Description for Most Agrichemicals
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2.20 Reassessment of Organophosphates & Carbonates
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The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has released their decision on the reassessment of Organophosphates and Carbamate Pesticides.
The new rules and controls come into effect on the 1st July 2015
2.21 Tracked Agrichemicals
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List of Tracked Agrichemiclas
2.22 Tracked Agrichemical Procedures
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There are a range of agrichemicals that trigger the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Classifications 6.1A, 6.1B & 6.1C and required to be tracked.(See Tech-Ops TO-H16 for a detailed list)
2.23 Definitions of Approved Handler
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There are a range of agrichemicals that trigger the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Classifications that are required to be in control of an Approved Handler.
Agrichemicals that trigger Classes 6.1A, 6.1B, 6.1C are not only Tracked agrichemicals but are required to be under the control of an Approved Handler who holds a Current Approved Hander Test Certificate. These classes require a person who holds a current Approved Handler Test Certificate when these agrichemicals are purchased, can also apply these agrichemicals.
2.24 Decline vs. Revoked
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The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) have defined the difference between Declined and Revoked
2.25 New Environmental Protection Authority Rules for Organophosphates & Carbamates Pesticides
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New Attack EPA Rules for OP’s & Carbamates – 1st July 2015
2.27 OPC Matrix Indoor Use
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2.28 Bee Label Warnings for Insecticide Agrichemicals
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The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has released their warning of agrichemical use from Insecticides that are harmful to bees.
2.29 The Primary Requirements of Agrichemical Use
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2.30 The Expiry Date of Agrichemicals
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Under the Agricultural Compounds & Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Act all agrichemicals must state the expiry date for the product in the container.
This statement can be found on various places on the container label, some labels have in listed under Shelf Life and other have in with storage details.
This expiry date can be written in two ways, e.g. Two years or 2 years and some is quite difficult to locate.
2.31 HSNO Class 8.3A Risks
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It appears that a large number of Agrichemical users are not aware from the risk when MIXING/HANDLING of Class 8.3A Agrichemicals.
2.32 Blood Test for Organophosphate & Carbamate Agrichemicals
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The following test is for agrichemical users who are likely to be exposed to Organophosphate and Carbamate families when handling and applying these agrichemicals.
The correct test is: Red Cell Blood Cholinesterase Test
2.33 Filter Replacement
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Filter Replacement Chart
2.35 Personal Protection Equipment Recommended for Applicators based on the HSNO Classifications
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Recommended minimum protective equipment for agrichemical use when mixing Agrichemicals & Adjuvants.
2.36 Am I Hydrated? - Urine Colour Chart
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2.37 Definition of Serious Harm
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Below is the definition of Serious Harm from Schedule 1 of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
Serious harm means death, or harm of a kind or description declared by the Governor-General by Order in Council to be serious for the purposes of the Act; and "seriously harmed" has a corresponding meaning.
2.38 Safety Orange & Black Lightning High Quality Nitrile Disposable Gloves
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2.39 Dräger Respirators & Filters
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2.40 New Workplace Health and Safety System
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Workplace health and safety in New Zealand is changing considerably to dramatically reduce serious harm and fatalities.
On July 1 2013 a new workplace health and safety system was launched by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Health and Safety group in readiness for the new Crown agency WorkSafe New Zealand, which takes over the reins in December this year.
2.41 You’re Glove Size
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2.42 Hazard Notice
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2.43 Health & Safety Toolbox/Hanger/ On Sit Meeting Plan
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2.44 Accident Investigation Form
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2.45 Form Register of an Accident or Serious Harm
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2.46 Symptoms of Dehydration
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2.48 Personal Protective Equipment Recommended for Applicators based on the HSNO Classifications for spraying Undercover
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Recommended minimum protective equipment for agrichemical use when mixing Agrichemicals & Adjuvants.